Body Types
There is a lot written
about what
to wear for different body types.
It’s much easier then you might realize. So my goal is to free you from
ever being confused on this subject again. I hope you’ll have an a’ha
Whether we are aware of it or not, there are only two reasons we even
bother with clothes.
- Utilitarian, to protect our nearly hairless anatomy from
the environment.
- Adornment, to make our bodies more attractive.
This website is mostly about adornment - the art of adornment
Let’s strip away the details, which I personally find totally
confusing, and get to the basics. I've always found it easier to
understand a subject if I could understand the fundamental concept or
idea beneath it. Three concepts to freedom
Concept One
Concept one: what is attraction?
There is a lot of information on the science of attraction.
have studied both humans and animals to see what makes some females and
males more attractive than others.
What they found consistently was symmetry. Because on a subconscious
level, symmetry sends the message we’re healthy. And being healthy
makes us more attractive and is what promotes the continuation of our
gene pool.Symmetry seems to be the number one key to physical
These photos show symmetry all around us.
Concept Two
Concept two:
color, perspective and contrast.
This picture is the perfect example of how color and perspective
changes our perception of size.
The lighter the color the larger the object appears. The
darker the color the smaller an object appears. Contrast is another
good way to create illusion.
Believe it or not,the image to the right the shapes are the same size.
Concept Three
Concept three: accentuate the positive, eliminate the negative
This was a famous song popular in the early 40's. If translated into
fashion talk, we would say: accentuate the positive - place details
where you want the eye to go. Then, eliminate the negative. Anything
that is simple, plain and
unassuming, the eye skims over. It simply skims over what is
The bottom line: details draw attention, plain or uninteresting doesn’t.
Put together: create symmetry by wearing clothing that is harmonious
your body. Create contour and illusion through color and place details
where you want the eyes to go.